Thoughts. Let me think, ah I can't even think of thoughts because that'll also be a thought. Then it would be better off for me to analyze these thoughts which like the 2Ps- Psychology and Philosophy are unique attributes of a person.
But unlike the 2Ps which are primary attributes, thoughts are secondary attributes which are influenced by the 2Ps directly or indirectly.
A person’s thoughts, as my experience tells me, are dominated by his/her living status, his parental thoughts (as they play an instrumental role in shaping up their child’s personality), culture, his living place (an American has an altogether different thought process than an Indian unless he has visited India more than often), his achievements (he becomes more confident and determined to achieve more and his thought process gets aligned in this direction), his company, amount of exposure (visits to different places with different cultures, different people with thus different thoughts). These are few of the most important reasons dominating the thought process of a person.